100% grass fed …. the best meat you will ever taste.
Coming direct from our farm to you. We are a family run business in Lyndhurstm the animals are transported by us to the local abattoir & the meat is cut up & packaged by a local butcher, we then collect & deliver straight to you.
By purchasing our meat pack you are guaranteed not only the best tasting product ever, but you know there are no hormones, fillers or additives…. you get the real thing & your food miles are really minimal as well.
Remember you are purchasing meat of the highest quality & its 100% pasture raised & you are supporting an aussie farmer. We have 8 x lamb packs ($18 per kilo) & 3 x beef packs( $20 per kilo) still available. I will deliver to the Bathurst & Lithgow area as well if there is enough interest.
We are proud of what we do & believe it is time to share this amazing product with other families in our area.
We plan to make this a regular run & our next delivery will be mid late November 2020
The lambs are sold at $18 per kilo & you get the full lamb. You get legs, shanks, cutlets & chops & even the bones for your pooch. The average lamb dresses out at approximately 20 kilos.
Our wonderful shorthorn beef packs are $20 per kilo & we tend to sell these as a quarter of a beast. These average a dressed weight of 28-30 kilos. Again you get T-bones, rump, fillet, round, blade, baking pieces & silverside plus sausages & mince & pooch also gets bones to boot.

Guess what I have been doing today…..yep packing up beef & lamb packs for our paddock to plate customers for delivery tomorrow.The spring lambs packs were a huge hit & the beef packs look amazing & taste great too (as one happy customer who received theirs today & couldn’t wait ot try have told us already).Orders for November beef & lambs now being taken. Order by November 1st for mid November delivery.